Monday, April 4, 2011

Welcome Back Baby Phoma...7 lbs. 3 ounces

Gotta spread the joy that Baby Phoma is back on the scene thanks to chemo 4.  After each chemo round I awaken to a swollen belly, thanks to the many bags of saline and drugs that get pumped into my port (I have a very cool port in my chest so that I don't have needles in my arms- hooorah!!) during my four hours of drug dosing at the chemo bar.  I look pregnant the next day...seriously...Baby Phoma weighed 7 lbs. 3 oz. this week. It is certainly the love child of Ms. Chemo and Mr. Prednisone...After the first chemo I couldn't believe it and sent some very unsavory photos of this wonder to some select family members and very close allies.  Sorry, lymphoma has removed all my filters (did they exist before??)  I'll hold back this one time.  Hopefully, Baby Phoma will be down today thanks to my excessive water drinking.  

I met some new chemo friends at the bar on meet the nicest people in the strangest places.  And the drug dealers at the bar are so kind.  They really know how to hook up a port in a blink without any fuss.


  1. HAPPY B-DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FELIZ CUMPLEANOS!!!!!!! Hope you had a wonderful day. We love you and I hope to see you soon. Jessy Atnonino and Family.

  2. Happy Birthday, too! Hope the bod is getting back to the new normal. Hugs -
    Tricia and family
