Dear Body,
I've been meaning to write to you for a awhile now but you know how things get away from you when you are involved with the day to day stuff. I have a few things that I need to tell you - you know, get off my chest (I know you understand what I mean.) I haven't always paid attention to you like I should have. And still, I know that you've always been there for me. I won't even go there about all the crap I've eaten over the years and how you just stood by me...but you have to admit I've also done some really good organic, healthy chowing for a good long while as well. Especially in the not to distant past. I admit, the last few years I've really put you through the paces...zumba an awful lotta times a week and weight lifting and turbo jam...well we all know that that's behind us for right now. I didn't know that you had lymphoma - I mean I feel really bad about not knowing that was going on for the last few years. You really came through for me and you got everything all built up and strong so that I could just turn around and battle what you knew you already had. (Ok, this is getting a little weird, but stay with me here.) I have a whole new world view of you now - not like the magazines that talk about fitness, and strength, and a good core, and being your best body now, and 10 ways to lean down before the holidays...well, you get the picture. I think about the sweetness of breathing, and the loveliness of walking, and the kindness of arms and legs that carry their own weight and the way you can think and sing and listen and learn and dance and basically enjoy every moment. I just want you to know I really appreciate you hanging in with me even though I'm dosing you with chemicals and asking you to buck up and stand tall and just "deal" with things. It means a lot to me.
Yours in the flesh,
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful