Monday, May 23, 2011

Pushing Me Through

I got the loveliest email from my friend Scott last week asking how I  doing with the chemo..."only two more to go Mary.  We'll push you through them if that is what you need.   If nothing else, we'll help you laugh through them anyway."  I thought about this "pushing through" a lot since then, and realized that my family and friends have been pushing me through this whole experience.  Each email, text, prayer, candle lit, kindness shown, good thought, errand run, book sent, meal cooked, and more have literally pushed me through.  Last week I was on the phone with a person inquiring about some work we are doing in Salt Lake City and I told him about the chemo (meaning brain fried) and that I would need to bring in another colleague to fill in the details.  He said that Mother Nature is a powerful source and that he would go "talk to a tree" for me...see what I mean? Push, push, push at every (important) turn.  I have to say that I'm grateful for all the pushiness...that when folks tell me I'm strong and courageous I wish they could see the big crowd standing behind me with their hands outstretched ready to hold me up and nudge me along.  Julie and Scott will be up for lunch on Thursday to help with another shove and I'll be glad for the boost.  Thank you everyone for keeping me on my feet - even when I didn't want to be there.

1 comment:

  1. Pushing and pulling, always as needed! You have an expansive TEAM and we all send you the best we have to offer!!
