I wanted to write a blog on the 10 reasons I hate chemo but the words didn't come. I thought if I let it ruminate for a few days it would be easy to write all the reasons for the "hate" but it didn't happen. That's because I don't hate chemo - it is my key to freedom, my golden pass to prosperity, my link to longevity...you can't hate something that does all that can you? It's like labor...can you really, really hate it when it ends with the love of your life in your arms...sigh...you just can't go there. What I "strongly dislike" (a kin of "hate" but without the same passion) are the cranky, ranky side effects. I mean seriously, who couldn't do without the throat sores, shakes and aches, nausea, hair loss, and assorted other blah, blah, blahs (like metal taste in your mouth or the feeling you swallowed a tin can or the F-A-T-I-G-U-E). It is seriously like being pregnant in an opposite way. Your body is not your own, doing strange and miraculous deeds - only the cells are being destroyed instead of created. The un-pregnancy who's "birthing" results in the return of my body to myself. If all goes well though the results will be in less than 9 months...nothing short of a miracle. Today is also the anniversary of another miracle in my life. Kelley James, my last beautiful baby boy turned 19 years old. Woooowhoooo - sing it loud, sing it clear, this kid came shooting out like a rocket and shot us a smile seconds after being born. He understood the gig - that life is a beautiful, beautiful thing.
Can i meet you each morning in the hall? You KICKED MY BUTT this morning. Love your attitude and love your LIFE! You are AMAZING!!!! xo Lehua