Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Sandman Cometh...Amazing...

Today is Sandy's birthday - my now 25 year old beautiful, amazing, kind, brilliant son.  He was this way from the very, very beginning.  If I don't live one more nanosecond of life I would leave a happy, lucky person for having had him in my life.

How can four people so completely change your life?  Let me count the ways - Camie, Sandy, Katie, Kelley.  They are the stars in my sky.  They are the moon and the sun on any day of the week.  They are the music to my dance.

P.S.  Katie is going to Harvard.


  1. Aw! You're such a sweet mom. Happy Birthday Sandy and congrats Katie!!!!!

  2. Mary, I have saved and treasured everything you write. It is poetic, warm, funny, and touches my heart in very tender ways.

    Your love is miraculous.

    Thank you for writing this blog.

    For our friendship.

    For your compassion

    - (which, by the way, I believe is a very advanced emotion that most people don't have much of --).

    Thank you for touching my life, miraculously, again and again.

    I love you Mary Sue

    Affectionately, Your Cindy Lou
