I have some incredible women (Mom, sisters, friends, cousins) in my life but my aunts are a force to be reckoned with. If you wonder where I get my gumption from then you need to meet the troops: Eunie, Vonnie, Cheryl, Anita, Betty. Blockbusters each in their right. They take no enemies and they see stories through to the end. You absorb strength just hanging out with them and I'm not a kiddin...if the universe runs in the right direction it's because they make it so. I would write a screenplay about each of their lives but you wouldn't believe that it was nonfiction. Now the men are not shabby mind you, but the women, good golly they are my source when the well runs shallow. I'd profile each one of them but they'd string me up and tell me to get on with things. See?? Just my type.
Chemo round three effects are taking hold in their patterned way. Will report more later in the week. Coming soon - the hat brigade where you'll see the results of the gifting that has come my way. Life is good - take care of yourselves.
Wouldn't they tell you to get on with things? I love it! Perfect description. We do have amazing aunts. I was just telling my friend today how my mom, your mom, and Vonnie all went arm in arm and nearly lynched Jay, before we were married. Gave him a whatfor on how to treat a woman. He still looks both ways before he talks back to me. :)