Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mom and Pops: This One's for YOU (you ridiculously wonderfully cheerful twosome)

My Mom use to tell me that every time she was in labor she would say to herself "what was I thinking???"but then the baby would be born and she would forget all about those thoughts and how wonderful it was to have that new child.  My Mom had six kids - so I thought she was a slow learner for sure.  That whole thing about how you forget what labor is like after you have your baby is a big fat lie as far as I'm concerned.  It's just like chemo - have it, egads what have I done, get results and wooowhoooo...So you see that I am a slow learner too...must be in the genes.  Last week (post chemo week) was the usual pattern and I didn't like it (remember, we don't use the 'hate" word...cause...well, read the prior post if needs be...) but now that I'm on the mend I've forgotten about it.  Maybe it wasn't so bad after all...or it could be that my brains cells are getting fried too...I can't remember...  In addition to the slow learning my Mom is ridiculously cheerful - especially in the morning.  When she greets you first thing you can't help but think "SERIOUSLY Mom??" even if you are a lark like me and relish the early morning hours.  Anyhow, I had a big outing yesterday and that was super duper.  I only go three places - Katie's apartment, my office and home to American Fork on the weekend.  All that is to cut down on exposure to germs since my immune system is knocked down.  Yesterday I got to go with Katie to help with a dog sitting assignment.  There are two big rambunctious doggies to visit (Sierra a golden retriever and Georgia Brown a chocolate lab.)  Do you know what happens when you throw a ball for dogs like this?  You get caught in a never ending loop of throw and retrieve...throw and retrieve...throw and retrieve...throw...well you get it.  It was fantastic.  I've always described myself as a human labarador (get it from my Dad for sure) and this is the gene that is pushing me through these treatments I believe.  Go get chemo, come back, go get chemo come back...go get chemo come back...that's where it's coming from.  My Dad would also make friends with the shoe salespoerson or the bagger at the grocery store when we were kids (still does as far as I can tell) eternally positive in his approach to people and life.  I gotta tell you, this is a skill that really rings true in my situation.  You need a large net of friends to support you through this mess.  Friends are the cheese to my macaroni and I couldn't be dancing on my chemo-ed toes with happiness without them.  So to Mom and Dad (or as we call them in our family circle, Gloria and Ernie...don't ask why I don't have a clue) I say "SALUTE!"  As a slow learning relentlessly cheerful mud rucking ball chasing "dog" I am most humble for what you gave me that's keeping me going.  I'd lick you on the face if you were here right now.
Big Hugs,


  1. Hi Mary! It's Mikey!!! Just wanted to send ya a quick "Hi!" to let ya know I was thinking 'bout ya. LOVING the new I told you before bald is B-utiful! Glad to hear you're fighting strong and look forward to seeing you sooner than later. I'm sending you BIG hugs and positive thoughts!!! Miss ya bunches! =O)

  2. 05 -
    Nothing but the best. I loved the human lab. You are always one to open perspectives!
    Talk to you soon, my friend!

  3. When Jay and I are older, and darling, like your mom and dad, I hope one of my kids writes me a love letter like this. So quirkily you and so so sweet. It's so YOU. I love it.
