Wednesday, June 1, 2011


For weeks now I've been whining that I don't want to go to chemo...mind you NOT that I can't do chemo, but I don't want to go...(can't you just hear the shrill of the whine).  To cap off the whining I tried my best to torture both Robyn and Brent at work today on my last day of freedom (prednisone rears it's ugly head tomorrow.)  Robyn even threaten to show me "something worse than cancer missy..." if I didn't settle down.  Isn't she the best?  So since I can't settle down and get to sleep I thought I'd post some alternative ways of thinking of the dreaded chemo:
1.  O-me-hc!  A phrase related to "oh my heck" but a little twisted...the backassward spelling of my friend chemo...the new Utah swearing phrase for the young urban professional.
2.  Chemo - the dark sided twin of Elmo.  Not furry, not adorable, not vaguely cute - but somehow does turn you in to a puppet.  Gives new meaning to PBS (Pretty Bald Situation).
3.  Chemo, chemo, bo bemo, banana fanana fo femo - Chemo
      Starts with a che and ends with mo
      Makes you want to puke from head to toe!
4.  Ch-ch-ch chemo, beautiful chemo, your the only ch-ch-ch chemical I adore...or...or...When the mu, mu, moon shines over the cow shed, I'll be waiting by the ch-ch-ch chemical port....
5.  Give me a "C"
     Give me a "H"
     Give me an "E-M-O"
     T-O-X-I-C Teamo!!
6. Ah...Marezy doats and doezy doats and little lambs eat ivy, a kidddle eat chemo too, wouldn't you???  If the words sound queer and funny to your ear a little bit jumbled and jivey- say mares eat oats and does eat oats and little lambs eat chemo (ok it doesn't work but you still read it didn't you??)
7.  Today's Special:  
                                  Fresh Chemo salad greens with a benedryl dressing
                                  Drug spiked pudding with carmelized metallic tasting substances
                                  Aleve chasers provided free of charge
8.  Newspaper Headline:
     Ms. Lym Phoma Rudely Interrupted by Chemo Cocktail:
                   Huntsman Cancer Center Claims Hit
9.   Dear Chemo,
       Please excuse Mary from meeting with you Friday. She has to wash some hairs.
10.  Wikipedia:  What is chemoilliant?
A post chemo glow imitating the look of a blushing shade of red.  Often associated with delusions of grandour about the ability to accomplishments minor household tasks with clarity and work product with efficiency.
Used in a sentence as follows:
"Her chemoilliant presence wowed the crowd into thinking she actually knew what she was doing."


  1. I hope it's ok that I read your blog to Buddy and to my daughters and to my sister and to my friends.

    Man, you are a blessing!

  2. All I have to say to this is....Shut the Chuck Up!
