Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Twinkle twinkle...

Aunt Vu told me the greatest story last week.  She said that when my cousin Suzie was little she brought home a a drawing from school with the basic kid stuff on it - house, tree, etc. - with one exception, it had a star in the sky.  When her mom, Aunt Eunie, asked what the star was for she said "that was the star that was in the sky when I was born."  Aunt Vu says all of us Johnsons think that there is a star in the sky when we are born.  I had to agree, I'm absolutely sure there was a star in the sky when I was born.  So, I'm completely with you Suz. That star has seen me through alot of scrapes, including this latest adventure.  I mean if you're going to get cancer then why not get the most treatable one.  Genius's medical school friend reminded me of that last night and she's right on the button.  But listen, it doesn't hurt that I have that star a shining a way...and speaking of stardom...the Chief Inspector brought me a rhubarb pie yesterday that was so divine and I could feel that shine-iness all day.  And Reba, my prof from grad school and lifelong friend, called and left the most ridiculous joke you ever heard that added to the rays already around me ("I don't want to brag or anything but I can still fit in the earrings I wore in High School"). And if that wasn't enough I just had my LAST prednisone prescription filled to launch FOR THE LAST TIME on Thursday.  I woke up with a jolt this morning and wasn't sure what day it was and then realized that I have two more prednisone-free days ahead of me...whew...Must be that star again.  Seriously though, isn't everyone born with a star in the sky for them?  You are - so figure it out.  Why not embellish the story about your star and put it to good use.  Your star might be a late bloomer but it's out there.  Mine's always at work a twinklin away - and they don't call me Mary Sunshine (which would be the BIG sister star to my personal star) for nothin.
Yours in the Light of the Silvery Moon (the one right next to my star),

1 comment:

  1. Have you seen the movie Stardust? It is one of my favorites, about a star who falls out of the sky. Yes, WHO... You would love it.

    P.S. I bet our stars our friends. That is all.
